The North American Shagya-Arabian Society, Inc. (NASS) website provides registry and breed information for our members and
breed enthusiasts alike.
Shagya-Arabian breeding in North America officially began in 1986 with the founding of the North American Shagya-Arabian Society, Inc. (NASS).
Later that year, NASS was accepted by the International Shagya-Araber Gesellschaft (ISG) as the official registry for the USA and Canada. The ISG is the International body supporting the breeding and preservation of the Shagya-Arabian,
The Purpose of NASS:
Shagya-Arabians were relatively unknown in America before the 1980s, although a few had been imported both before and after World War II. Prior to the founding of the NASS no registry for Shagya-Arabians existed in America, and they were sometimes mistakenly registered as either purebred or part-bred Arabians.
5:00 PM, PST; 8:00 PM, EST
Free Conference Calling: 1 (612) 268-6367
Guest Dial-in Code: 677319
Submissions may be sent to the NASS Newsletter Committee at
Are you looking for general information about the NASS Registry, including the NASS Registration Classifications, The NASS Breeding Guidelines, The NASS Bylaws, ISG and breed information?
Are you looking for information on how to register a horse, transfer an existing registration or replace a lost registration certificate?
Are you looking for information about the inspection, evalution and branding process, as well as the forms needed to present horses, host, volunteer at and/or attend a NASS inspection site?
The NASS Brochure is a
downloadable brochure about the
registry and the breed.
Please feel free share it
with other breed enthusiasts.
1986 - 2025
Celebrating 39 Years
as an
ISG Associate Member Registry Supporting Shagya-Arabians
North America.
NASS publishes a tri-annual newsletter which is mailed to all NASS Members.
Visit the NASS Newsletter Page and the NASS Newsletter Archive Page for more information and published newsletters.
NASS News Editor:
NASS Newsletter Committee:
Do you compete on a NASS registered Shagya-Arabian
or Part Shagya? Do you
want to submit a nomination for the Bravo Award?
Do you compete on a
bred horse at
AERC Rides?
The Annual Performance Award Program & Radautzer Award Results
The registry maintains lists of all the stallions that have been
approved for breeding with NASS.
Announcement for All Shagya-Arabian Owners
Several years ago ISG requested that NASS offer to register pure and part bred Shagya-Arabians, which had been originally registered in ASAV, in order to facilitate horses of these bloodlines to be included in an ISG-member registry. NASS agreed to do so, extending an offer to ASAV registrants to move their horses over into the NASS Registry at greatly reduced fees. NASS has continued this offer in the ensuing years and is now pleased to extend this offer, as well, to owners of horses in the PShR. Therefore, any owner of a horse or horses registered in either ASAV or PShR is cordially invited to become a member of NASS and to register their horse for the discounted fee as shown in the following NASS Fee Chart.
The NASS Classifieds Ads may include horses for sale, adoption or lease, etc., as well as horse wanted ads.
Any NASS or Foreign ISG Member Registry registered horse may be listed.
Listings are free to NASS Members.