This page provides the results of the NASS performance awards programs.
2023 Annual Peerformance Awards (pdf)
DownloadSA Alamo (NASS/P-ShA-12-281)
Bayram (NASS/ShA-91-064) x PA Artistry (AHR*639513)
Marlene and SA Alamo completed 435 miles in 2023, attending 6 rides.
Owner: Marlene Moss
1st Place
This Breed Award is named after the horses from the famous Austrian military Shagya-Arabian stud farm of Radautz (located in present-day Romania) and the European tradition of giving a horse who showed exceptional courage and stamina the highest praise when described as being “tough as a Radautzer”.
Theo the Wonder Horse (NASS/P-ShA-11-293)
Bold Bravo AF (NASS/ShA-88-021) x Nadeja (AHR*542632)
Owned by Rachel Miura
Rachel and Theo completed 355 miles in 2023, attending 5 rides.
2nd place
KB Tomega Fahim+++/ - Champion
Natalia PFF - Champion
Lily Creek Tariff - Champion
Empress Eroica AF - 2nd Place
Chiron - Reserve Champion
Lily Creek Legacy - 3rd Place