This page provides information about the registry.
The Shagya Registry of North America (SHARONA) is the NASS registry for Purebred Shagya-Arabians (Book I), Shagya-Arabian (Book II), Appendix Shagya-Arabians and Part Shagya horses.
SHARONA is affiliated with the International Shagya-Arabian Society (ISG) and has been recognized as such by the ISG as an official Member Registry since 1986.
The Purebred Shagya-Arabian is an exceptional riding horse of distinct Arabian type. Average height is 15 to 16.1 hands, with occasional individuals over and under. Purebred Shagya-Arabians can have up to 9 Purebred Arabian ancestors out of the 16 ancestors in the fourth generation of their pedigrees. This is known as the "9/16 rule".
Purebred Shagya-Arabians must have pedigrees which can be traced on both their sire and dam’s sides to the studbooks of Babolna, Radautz, Topolcianky, Mangalia, Kabijuk, Kolarovgard, Janow Podlaski, Borike, Karadjordjevo and Purebred Arabians, and must have been bred according to the system of Babolna.
SHARONA has the following four classifications of horses for Registration purposes:
Horses registered as Purebred Shagya-Arabians, Shagya-Arabians or Appendix Shagya-Arabians by an ISG-member society’s registry are eligible for registration by SHARONA. In any questionable cases, the NASS Breeding Committee will have the final registration authority after consultation with ISG. All SHARONA registered Purebred Shagya-Arabians meet or exceed ISG standards for Purebred Shagya-Arabians.
Meets pedigree requirements: meets the 9/16 rule
Sire and dam are both in Studbook I or Studbook I Appendix
Meets pedigree requirements: meets the 9/16 rule
Either sire, dam, or both are in Studbook II or Studbook II Appendix
Meets pedigree requirements: parents are either Shagya-Arabians or Purebred Arabians or Appendix Shagya-Arabians with no non-Arabian blood. This category accommodates horses whose parents may be in Studbook I or Studbook II, or not listed in a studbook, and one parent may be a Purebred Arabian.
When applying for registration of an Appendix Shagya-Arabian, the applicant is required to submit all registration papers from the breed registry in which the Arabian parent is registered.
Meets pedigree requirements: at least one parent is registered as Purebred Shagya Arabian, Shagya-Arabian, Appendix Shagya-Arabian, Part-Shagya or has at least one ISG-registered Shagya-Arabian in the fourth generation. Second parent may be of any breed
Please review the NASS Breeding Guidelines and the NASS Bylaws for more information about SHARONA and NASS.
Contact information may be found on the following pages:
A database for friends and breeders of Shagya-Arabians. With over 100,000 pedigrees of Shagya-Arabians worldwide, it can be accessed by everyone.
Not only are pedigrees of Shagya-Arabians included but so are the pedigrees of thousands
of Purebred Arabians and of many other breeds.
Directions for using the database are posted below.
The Internationale Shagya-Araber Gesellschaft (ISG)
is the umbrella organization
established by WAHO to officially coordinate
its participating member registries'
efforts to preserve, maintain and promote
the Shagya-Arabian breed:
The NASS Newsletter Archives include numerous newsletters dating back to 1989.
Take a moment to browse the archive for historical registry and breed information, including inspection tour results:
Instructions for the Database (pdf)
DownloadThe NASS Brochure
Please feel free to download and print out the NASS Brochure and use to promote the Shagya-Arabian Breed.