This page provides information about inspections, branding and evaluations.
The consistent quality of the Shagya-Arabian breed has been maintained by a rigorous commitment to breed standards, including the requirement that all potential breeding horses be inspected and approved according to the international Shagya-Arabian breed standards established by the ISG in order to produce registered Purebred Shagya-Arabian offspring.
Purebred Arabians
Evaluations are the assessment of horses for purposes other than Breeding Approval.
Evaluations offer owners the opportunity to have horses assessed by the commission for educational reasons only and the results are not applicable for breeding approval.
Shagya-Arabians & Part Shagyas
Arabians & Other Breeds
Horses registered with SHARONA as Purebred Shagya-Arabians (Book I) and Shagya-Arabians (Book II) are eligible to be branded with the internationally patented Shagya-Arabian breed brand. The design is a sunburst with a stylized “Sh” inside.
The owner of record must submit a completed Branding Application (posted below) and pay the appropriate fee.
Beginning with the inspection year 2021, all mares and stallions approved for Shagya-Arabian breeding must have their SCID and CA test results on record with the NASS registrar. If the horse’s parents are already on record with the registrar as being clear, SCID and CA tests will not be necessary and the horse will be recorded as clear.
NASS Member Evaluation Fee per horse: $50.00.
NASS Member Inspection Fee per horse: $200.00
NASS Member Branding Fee per horse: $30.00
Non-NASS Members must pay a $45.00 Non-Member Fee.
Payment received 45 days prior to inspection date will receive a 10% discount.
Please review the NASS Breeding Guidelines and other important documents posted below for detailed information about the requirements for horses to participate at NASS Inspection Sites.
Questions? Contact the NASS Breeding Committee Chairperson
Breeding Committee Chairperson: Adele Furby
NASS Breeding Committee Members:
Adele Furby, Dr. Keiko Foss, Hallie Goetz, Dr. Susan Keil, Elaine Kerrigan,
and Kathy Richkind.
It’s time for NASS to begin the planning process for possible 2025 NASS Inspection SItes:
Inspection sites are based upon demand. Therefore, NASS needs to hear from any NASS members, owners of NASS-registered horses and other eligible horses, who are interested in participating at and/or hosting a site. One may also attend as volunteer, spectator, learner judge and/or to present other horses (breed demonstrations or as a breed ambassador).
See the 2025 Inspection Letter posted below for more information.
Please submit a NASS Inspection Planning Feedback Form to provide the registry with the basic information needed to start this process, for example the number of horses, the location, etc.
Payment is not necessary during the initial stages of the planning process. However, all required documentation must be on file with the registry and all payments due must be paid in full prior to horses being inspected, evaluated and branded.
Contact: Adele Furby, NASS Breeding Committee Chairperson
Mail: Adele Furby, 567 E. Quarterhorse Ln, Camp Verde, AZ, 86322
The Internationale Shagya-Araber Gesellschaft (ISG) is the umbrella organization established by WAHO to officially coordinateits participating member registries' efforts to preserve, maintain and promote the Shagya-Arabian breed:
The NASS Newsletter Archives include numerous newsletters dating back to 1989.
Take a moment to browse the archive for historical registry and breed information, including inspection
tour results:
NASS Newsletter Archives
Learn about genetic disorders
that may affect our horses and
the steps one can take
to selectively avoid the production
of affected foals.