NASS publishes a tri-annual hard copy newsletter named "NASS News" and in years when the registry holds an inspection tour, an inspection issue of the newsletter.
All Current NASS Members will be mailed hard copies of published newsletters.
Once a hard copy has been published and mailed to NASS Members, a downloadable copy will be posted to the NASS website.
If you would like to submit material
for the newsletter,
please contact the
or the
Tri-annual issue publishing deadlines:
NASS News is published three times annually for the purpose of keeping members informed of issues pertinent to the North American Shagya-Arabian Society (NASS), its members and its parent organization, International Shagya-Araber Gesellschaft (ISG). We invite submissions, which can be directed to the editor at:, or the newsletter committee:
All submissions are subject to editing for space and content.
The newsletter is mailed to all current members, as well as being posted on the website at During a NASS inspection year, a breeding inspection magazine will be published which will include results, scores and official photographs.
Horses featured in NASS publications must be registered with NASS and owned by current NASS members. The tri-annual newsletter, as well as the inspection magazine, will be assembled by an editor. Prior to publication, newsletters will be reviewed by the NASS President and other board members as required to ensure appropriateness of material. Letters, articles and advertisements reflect only the opinion of the author and not of NASS. NASS cannot be held responsible or liable for any wrong or misleading information, and NASS reserves the right to refuse anything submitted for cause.
Please take a minute to browse the newsletter archives for previous issues of the newsletter, including inspection issues.
In years with NASS holding Breeding Inspection Sites, a separate hard copy newsletter which will be published following the inspection tour. This issue will be a color hard copy on glossy print. Advertising opportunities will be offered in these editions. This newsletter will include the results of the inspections, including official photographs, scores and descriptions of all horses presented, informational articles, candid photographs, etc.
The Inspection Tour Newsletter may also include articles and notifications of the following:
The Inspection Tour Newsletter is created, edited and published by the NASS Inspection Newsletter Editor(s) with assistance from the participating Inspection Committee. Once the hardcopy newsletter has been mailed to NASS Members, it will be published to NASS’ website and on NASS’ social media accounts.
Please Note: Author's should refer to subject horses by their registered names in all submitted articles, reports and advertising.
Annual Inspection Tour Newsletter Advertising:
All Submissions should be directed to the NASS Inspection Newsletter Editor at
Fees Schedule for Ads:
NASS Members:
Non-NASS Members:
Payment and ad must be submitted by publication deadlines.